+48 89 527-38-69 jaceko(at)kjm.pl
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A problem that continues to plague Business Analysts during threquirement elicitation is getting a clear understanding of the into “true requirements from the stakeholders. Business analysts ofttake the “stated requirements Business analysts often take the “stated requirements Business analysts often take the ness eholders. Business analysts ofttake the “stated requirements Business analysts often.Take the “stated requirements Business analysts often take the ness eholders. Business analysts ofttake the “stated requirements.continues to plague Business Analysts during threquirement elicitation is getting a clear understanding of the into “true requirements from the stakeholders. Business analysts ofttake the “stated requirements Business analysts often take

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Zdjęcia produktów w różnych

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Zoptymalizowany został mechanizm związany ze zdjęciami produktów. Obecnie Z oryginalnego…

Selldroid na Androidzie 2,

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Specjalistom naszego labolatorium testowego udało się zainstalować  Androida 4 na HTC…

Wdrożenie branża materiały

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Wdrożono system Selldroid w hurtowni materiałów budowlanych. Wyzwaniem we wdrożeniu…

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